I am very proud of the distinct type of Labradors we have today and their wonderful accomplishments in the show ring. I strive to produce dogs that will not only be pleasing to look at but intelligent and work as a multi-purpose Labrador, whether that be a family pet, show dog or hunting companion. We feel they embody everything a Labrador should be. I was fortunate to have the mentorship of Barry Richards, Nirvana Labradors. My dogs today are a result of his breeding program, my foundation. The depth of quality seen in my dogs today could not have been accomplished without his guidance, knowledge and friendship. Thank you, Barry.

Crosslot’s Labradors is a small select kennel of English Labradors situated on a beautiful farm in Weare, NH. We started in Labradors in 1992 when we purchased our first Labrador for a hunting companion and family dog. I then did lab rescue for a number of years and I was hooked. I now participate in conformation shows and hunt tests. I grew up on a working horse farm. Breeding, showing and raising foals was in my blood. Today in addition to our wonderful Labradors we have Shire Horses that possess some of the best English Shire blood in the country.
We built our home on what is a part of my husband’s family farm. In its day it was a thriving farm producing varieties of farm produce, milk, eggs and beef that would be taken by horse and buggy to the local railroad depot and then go by rail to the city market in Boston. Our home and farm is situated north and uphill from the original farm. My husband’s grandmother still lives in that farm today. The first time I heard the word Crosslot’s was when she called to tell us our kids would be coming up through the backfield Crosslot’s to come home. Our kids walked a path home Crosslot’s for many years as they were growing up. The land that surrounds us is very special.
Crosslot’s : by a short cut (as across the fields or vacant lots instead of by the road or sidewalk)
often used with cut <going home they cut cross-lots>